Science: Will a Vertical Climber Bring Results?

Will a Vertical Climber Bring Results?

I thought you’d never ask!

So, let me lay it out for you:

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A vertical climber machine is a total body fitness solution that works by providing an effective cardiovascular workout that targets the legs, arms, and most importantly, the core to give you that coveted sculptured body.

Read on to discover everything you need to know if you’re considering getting yourself a climber of your own.

What are the vertical climber results personal trainers rave about?

The Features of a Vertical Climber

A vertical climber is a nifty-looking machine you need to have at home – especially if you live a busy life that demands that you only have a few minutes (say 30-minutes or so) to yourself each day.

It might sound strange, but:

Did you know that you can easily burn up to 20-calories for every minute you spend actively on the vertical climber?

Yeah, I know. Pretty awesome!

As if that’s not enough, this machine is ergonomically designed to suit all body types, whether you are big, small, or medium.

So don’t let its height intimidate you. You can easily adjust it to your height in a matter of seconds, and voila! You are ready to go!

A vertical climber has other cool features that are worth taking a closer look at too, here’s some of them:

If you’re worried about it taking up your entire living room, the vertical climber features a compact folding design that makes for easy storage. Tuck it away under the bed or in a closet when not in use, and it’s also quick to assemble as well.

Don’t worry about waking up the whole neighborhood with exercise noise because it is quiet as a Tesla motor!

The vertical climber also features isometric non-slip hand grips that make working out much more comfortable.

And last but not least: Compared to other full-body fitness machines, the vertical climber is wallet-friendly!

Just compare the price of these best vertical climbers to a treadmill or elliptical.

Pretty big difference, or what?

Funny MaxiClimber Vertical ClimberVertical Climber Results: What’s all the Fuzz About?

Now,let’s get down to some hardcore facts. Anyone who wants to conquer the ‘flab’ can do so using all sorts of marketing gimmicks readily available out there, but it’s not always that clear-cut.

But if your goal is to lose weight healthily, keep it off, and be at your optimal physical fitness, a few things must be considered.

The Truth About Weight Management

Did you know that genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, stress, lack of sleep, and even viruses are now known to play a role in weight gain and obesity?

You may assume that just because you’re eating less or on a healthy diet and working yourself to a pulp may help you lose weight. Sadly that’s not always the case…

Some people simply have more fat cells. Even if they lose weight, their fat-cell count remains the same.


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MaxiClimber Vertical Climber Combines Resistance Training and High-Intensity Cardio for a Full Body Workout. Free Coach-led Classes & Fitness App
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Several other factors also plays a role in your fat-fight:

  • Stress hormones ramp up fat storage.
  • Unhealthy foods wreak similar havoc.
  • Sleep deprivation will also upset your hormone balance and trigger both leptin and ghrelin, which make you feel full or hungry, respectively.


Before you go starving yourself or dousing your food with hot sauce – or even hitting the gym 24/7 / 365 days a year, it’s important to determine the cause of your weight stagnation and ultimately take it from there.

A genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance, stress-induced weight gain, or lack of sleep shouldn’t necessarily be a life sentence or be a hindrance to achieving your dream body composition.

There are healthy ways to alter your metabolism, and it starts by eating smaller – but frequent meals that are rich in protein throughout the day.

Your body works harder to break down protein than fat and carbs. Therefore; the more you eat, the more calories you burn while digesting your meals.

The muscles are your body’s main source for burning fat, and the more you have, the more calories you burn all day.

So, How Can a Vertical Climber Help me Then?


The great thing about using this machine is that the workouts are based on your body weight – the literal meaning of “moving you” weight around.” When on a”vertical climber, you will intensify the difficulty of your workout by changing your range of motion and speed.

While it may be challenging at first – especially if you are out of shape, the workouts are worth it! And once you become accustomed, your body will give you a big bear-hug, and thank you for it!

Any workout that helps you build lean muscle tissue and keep your metabolic activity active should be considered golden in your exercise program. Total body workouts are not only forgiving if you have a busy schedule, but they are also perfect for hitting all your major muscle groups during one workout.

If you can get a vertical climber and spare two or three days a week out of your busy schedule, you will certainly reap the benefits of an excellent total body workout.

Not only will you improve your overall body strength, but total-body workouts are also the best way to focus on any weak areas. This you will definitely notice the minute you begin exercising.

All your muscle groups will get some attention with a vertical climber and, consequently improve your overall strength and endurance.

And that’s what we’re aiming at, right?


It’s important to follow a few basic guidelines to get the best out of your vertical climber machine, such as starting with a warm-up.

Now, don’t stop reading yet!

A good warm-up will take you less than 10-minutes. You want to warm up as the increased blood flow to the working muscle will actually result in decreased muscle stiffness after your workout session.

If not for that reason, how about warming up to minimize your risk of injury or to improve your range of motion and overall performance?

MaxiClimber Full Body Calorie Burning Workout With Dan Hughes

Final Words: Vertical Climbers Really Work

Purchasing a vertical climber machine will keep you motivated to stay on track, so don’t put it locked up away in a closet or under your bed.

In fact, if you’re just starting out, keep it in full view where you can’t ignore its potential – plus you will want to work out when it’s just it’se staring at you anyway.

As long as you get one of these best vertical climbers you will be sure all the positive effects of climbing are well within reach.


Think of the monthly fees in gym payments you are saving yourself by owning your own exercise equipment. If that’s not motivating enough, nothing else is!

You will have unlimited access to a full-body workout each day – without leaving your front door…

And last but not least, the vertical climber results are great!

If I haven’t convinced you by now, and a vertical climber doesn’t push all your buttons:

Feel free to visit my BIG collection of at-home cardio articles. Here you will find everything needed to take your cardio to the next level!

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