If you are really serious about building a home gym, a power rack smith machine combo is a MUST!
Either your goal is to be the next Hulk, or you just want to keep your body from falling to pieces, a rack/ smith combo will do the trick.
- Squats
- Deadlifts
- Bench Press
- Military press
- Biceps curls
The list goes on and on and on.
But, and there is a BIG but:
Not all equipment are of the same high quality.
Read on to find out what to look for in a power rack/ smith machine combo, and to top it off; some of the reasons why this type of equipment is a gem among the exercise equipment.
Oh, wait up! Before we begin -here’s the current top 3 power rack smith machine combos:
Now, let’s get to it!
What to Look for in a Power Rack Smith Machine Combo Station
During my time as a home exercise enthusiast, I have bought tons of crappy equipment, oh the agony!
To keep you from making the same mistakes as I have done, here are 7 things to consider before deciding on which power rack smith machine model to get:
Equipment Size
The first one is pretty obvious.
Do some planning before splashing the cash.
Take measures of the room where the rack will “live”. Remember; you will need additional space on all sides of the frame to hang of the weight plates and be able to move freely during your workout.
All racks come with their own footprint, some larger than others. Take it into consideration!
If space is an issue, why not consider a suspension trainer / weighted vest combo?
The “Smith Function”
The sliding smith bar should be stable and move effortlessly while doing those squats! And when it’s time to load additional poundage, it should be easy to lock the smith bar into any height or position.
You should also take note of what type of weights the bar is compatible with – personally, I’m a sucker for Olympic sized plates.
And course, you want equipment capable of carrying the weight you are aiming to lift further down the road.
The Build Quality
You shouldn’t be.
I’ve seen many poor excuses for “premium workout equipment”. Thin steel bars, lousy welding, loose bolts, and wobbly construction.
If you are buying looking to buy online, be sure to read the customer feedback provided before you get all amazed by the sales pitch.
You want a sturdy, solid construction built to last for years and years.
The No products found. is a perfect example of “built to last”!
A power rack smith machine combo is all good, -but the more accessories, the better!
Course, J-hooks, and safety bars are mandatory when buying a power rack. But if you can get some more cool features on the go as well, that is a big YES.
A bench? A couple of weight plates? An exercise poster?
Or even better:
Why not throw a pulley station into the mix?
- smith
- 2 Sliders with 2 Short Bars: The sliders are for...
- Can Also Be Used To Mount Olympic Barbells: You can...
- 【New Upgrade】This new upgraded smith machine glider...
- 【Smith Machine Glider Set】This is a set of...
- 【Combination Accessories】Smith machine glider set...
- Attachments set for Universal Power Racks — It is a...
- 2 gilders fits almost power rack — The 2 gilders are...
- 2 short Bars for 2" Weight Plate — Each Glider comes...
Various brands stack different things into their packages to make them stand out from the crowd. And some of the extra accessories might even be useful..!
Oh! I almost forgot:
If you own a smith machine you HAVE TO get a solid neck pad. I personally love the Dark Iron Fitness 17. Go check it out!
Maximum Weight Capacity
How much are you planning to lift a couple of years down the road?
And if you are looking to do pull-ups, are you going to utilize a weighted vest?
Be sure the rack you buy can carry the load needed to satisfy your future lifting capacity!
Does the smith power rack combo justify the price tag?
Is your wallet thick enough to spend 2000$ without your food budget taking a major hit?
Don’t spend more than you can afford – most probably you will be just fine with a model costing way less than 3000$.
A more affordable solution would be to skip the smith function and go for one of these best power racks for home use instead.
The Warranty
Let’s face it:
Sometimes Sh** happens!
And if you are unlucky and your 9-month-old rack takes a hit it normally should withstand, a warranty could save you from a lot of headaches!
Read the terms and rest assured that the warranty will cover any unexpected damaged caused by equipment failure.
The Benefits of a Power Rack Smith Machine Combo
So: That’s what to look for in a power rack smith machine functional trainer, but why should you buy one in the first place?
Here are 5 benefits of owning a power rack/ smith machine combo:
Work Out Every Single Bit of Your Body
Yeah, really:
Every single muscle in your entire body will benefit from this type of equipment.
- Legs
- Arms
- Shoulder
- Back
- Chest
- Core
Everybody is invited to the party!
Here’s an example of an amazing total body smith machine exercise program GUARANTEED to have your muscle beg for mercy!
Compound Exercises
Either you are looking to do bench press, military press, squats, or deadlifts the power rack/ smith machine will have you covered.
Be prepared to build serious muscle!
Work Out Alone
Due to several safety features, you will be able to do your workout without a sidekick watching over you.
Put on your headphones and let the sound of Spotify drive you through your routine towards your exercise goals!
Combine Cardio and Strength
Either you are looking to build strength or do cardio you are in good hands.
Due to the extreme variety of exercise opportunities, the power rack smith machine combo brings to the table, you will be able to set up a routine matching your needs.
Only your fantasy will be your limitation:
Lift weights, do calisthenics, do Tabata, or do HIIT. Everything is possible with a smith machine and power rack combo!
Here are some smart tips on how to get the most out of your power rack. Go check it out!
Doing the same routine over and over again is both boring and ineffective.
The rack system with an integrated smith bar makes sure you will never get bored or stagnate!
As you got a big bag of exercises to choose from, mixing up your routine will be effortless and uncomplicated.
As soon as you feel you are peeking, change your routine!
When you are getting bored doing the same exercises week in and out, mix it up!
Variation is one of the keys to success!
Final Words: Power Rack and Smith Machine Combo Builds Muscle
So, now you know what to look for in a power rack with a smith machine.
If you do proper research and buy one of the field-tested models loved by the users owning them – you cannot go wrong!
A power rack with smith machine combo will be one of the best investments you will ever do when setting up your home gym.
With this single piece of equipment, you will be able to work out your ENTIRE BODY, all the way from your feet to your neck.