How to Build A Bigger Booty: The Beginners ABC

A bigger booty, who doesn’t want that?

Next, to the fact that it looks good, it’s also super healthy.

Yes, really!

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Your glutes are the biggest muscles in your body, and they play an essential role in your posture, gait, and running capacities.

This beautiful muscle is relevant for the back, hip, knee, and foot health. That means, if you have any problems in these regions, there is often something to be done with the glutes as well.

Today, I will teach you about the anatomy of the glutes, and I will show you some of the best exercises you need to do to reach your booty-goals. Also, I have included a sample workout you can start with right away!

The Anatomy of the Butt

Your glutes are, as you might have guessed, more than one muscle. They consist of three different muscles:

  • Gluteus minimus
  • Gluteus medius
  • Gluteus maximus

That is small, medium and big glute for you!

Our glutes have their origin in the pelvis and attach onto our upper leg, nevertheless, on different surfaces.

Now, let’s figure out how to best improve their strength and size.

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But before we continue with that, it’s nice to know which movements these muscles make. Because when you know that, you automatically understand which workouts you can do.

Pretty obvious, right?

Here we go.

The glutes are primarily responsible for the following movements:

  • Moving the leg sideways (hip abduction), like when you are sidestepping
  • Moving the leg backward (hip extension), helping you to move forward when you walk or run

And to a lesser degree:

  • Moving the leg inside (hip abduction)
  • Rotating the hip

Now that you know the basic functions of the glutes, we can proceed to have a look at the exercises you can do to strengthen these muscles.

What Are the Best Exercises for The Glutes?

As I mentioned above, by analyzing what movements the glutes make, you instantly know which exercises you can do.

Let’s start with the isolation exercises first:

These are movements that specifically target one muscle group. Isolation exercises always incorporate a single motion. In the case of the glutes that means either abducting, adducting, or extending the hip.

Great isolation movements to do at home are:

  • Side-Lying Hip Abduction
  • Prone Lying Hip Extension
  • Bridge (two-legged)
  • Quadruple Alternating Hip-Extension

When it comes to compound exercises, it’s good to look at hip dominant activities like:

  • Deadlifts and its varieties
  • Good Mornings

And even though it’s not necessarily hip dominant:

  • The Squat

Here’s Why You Have Problems With Your Glutes

Before I continue to explain how to combine these exercises into your routine, I’ve got a warning for you.

The fact is:

The glutes are more often than not inhibited in their function. This means that they are not functioning as they should during regular movements like standing, walking, and running. That has everything to do with the sedentary lifestyle that most of us find ourselves in today.

As things go, your glutes are inactivated when you sit – and your posterior chain is suffering. If you find yourself in a chair most of the time, you are therefore likely to be somebody with reduced glute activity!

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This is something to keep in mind before you start building your power-booty. Because as you start working out, this deficiency might sadly translate into your exercises.


There is a solution!

Smart Combination of Exercises For Booty Building

When you do compound exercises, you use multiple muscle groups to move.

For example; when you do a deadlift, you bend your knees and your hips to go down, -and you extend both to go up.

This means that you use both your upper leg muscles, the glutes, and your back muscles to get out of the lowest position.

This is necessary, but this also makes the movement prone to compensation.

Let me explain:

If your glutes aren’t functioning well, your back works more than it should to compensate for the week booty-muscles. In the end, you are still doing a squat, but inefficiently.

In the long run, this might lead to problems like back pain or knee pain. And this is not always something you see coming before it suddenly hit you in the face!

But, as I said, there is a way out:

If you start with isolation exercises, you can activate muscles that are currently “asleep”. As things go, isolation movements force one specific muscle to work and eventually get stronger.

There is simply less room for compensation.

This way, when you move onto compound exercises like the squat or deadlift, your butt is on fire!

So, if you spend your day working from a chair, I recommend you always start your glute training with isolation exercises.

Finding the Sweet Spot for Building a Strong Butt

Now you know what the order of the exercises should be:

  1. Isolation exercises
  2. Compound exercises

Hereafter, there’s the challenge to find the sweet spot.

How many repetitions make your booty respond the way you want to? What makes your glutes fill with blood and make the muscle grow?

When it comes down to building those butt cheeks, higher repetitions like eight and upwards, are best.

First, because isolation exercises are best done with lower weight and higher repetitions.

And second, considering you train at home there are usually no dumbbells or barbells to train with.

Therefore, increasing the number of repetitions is the easiest way to increase training intensity.

The following repetition ranges are useful to keep in the back of your mind:

  • Isolation exercises: 3-4 x 15-20
  • Compound exercises: 3-4 x 8-12

At Home Booty Building Exercise Routine

This is the moment we apply everything we have learned before and translate it into a workout plan.

Combine this program with some of these bodyweight workouts for a complete body boost.

Start your workout with some warming up. Shake and turn your body loose!

So here comes the routine:

  • Side-Lying Hip Abduction – 3 x 15
  • Prone Lying Alternating Hip Extension – 3 x 15
  • Quadruple Alternating Leg Extension – 3 x 15
  • Bridge 1 Legged – 3 x 8-12
  • Single Legged Deadlift – 3 x 8-12
  • Squat – 4 x 8-12

Be warned!

This is an intense workout that will make your butt burn!

Start slow and get used to the movements. Once you feel confident and got a feel for the routine, you can gradually increase the intensity.

For best results, I recommend you take between 60-90 seconds rest between sets -and a day between each training.

To top it off, when at home – try to replace some of the steps when walking around your house with some lunges.

Set your self a goal: When at home, do at least 30 lunges every day.
Might sound stupid, but it works!

If you have a resistance band available, here is another booty routine worth trying out:

Final Words: Start Your Bigger Butt Workout Regime Today!

With all this new knowledge, you now have the power to shape
that butt and give your body a real fitness boost!

Don’t get me wrong:

In addition to working out, you will need to watch your diet and the food you put into your mouth as well. Protein-rich foods like fish and chicken are excellent at providing your butt and thigh muscle with the building blocks they need to grow.

If you follow my advice AND eat properly, you’ll be on the right path to the booty you have always wanted in no time!

Good luck!

Need more inspiration? No problem! Check out my massive resource on strength training – fully packed with exercises for your whole body!

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